Saturday, November 20, 2010

.:Final Trade!!!!:.

Wow, we've come to the final trade for this course and I think I really learnt alot from reading my classmates' blogs..

But for this trade, I decided to take a slightly greater risk, by putting up my item for trade/sale.. Last week, my sister was going to Hong Kong for a holiday trip, and I asked her to help me buy a collectible item which I was looking for -Disney Taps!

For those who have no idea what it is, please watch this video of my collection!

These Disney Taps were bought on my previous trip to Japan, and I have been looking for more characters to add to my collection.. I heard from my friend that these were also available in Hong Kong, so I asked my sister to buy a few more for me..
Upon her return, I was excited that she managed to buy 2 more Hello Kitty Taps for me! However, the 2 Hello Kitty Little Taps could not be connected to my Disney ones (Disney and Sanrio probably used different manufacturers!)

Major disappointment!! But I decided to turn this into an opportunity for my final trade! The exchange rate for HKD was pretty good for last week, hence I was able to buy the 2 Little Taps for $16 each (this is considered really cheap, since I bought the Disney ones for $25 each)

Lastly, I decided to post my trades up on eBay and to sell them for $60(both)... The results will be out on Sunday, so I will update again by then!! =))

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