Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5:: Car car car

This blog post is waay overdue because I've been busy with data entry for the past 2 weeks..

Anyway, my cousin was in need of a car to travel to his workplace. Since I was pretty sure that my sister wouldn't mind lending her car to our cousin, I asked him if he had anything to trade for using the car for 3 days.

He said he could offer me cash, but exceeding the amount that he could rent a car for. So I went to check out the prices of car rental services, and found that the average market rate was $50 a day! Eventually, my cousin haggled alot over the price and we finally agreed on $60, and he would top up the petrol and include a car wash.

Although it was lesser than the expected $150, I felt that it was a rather good deal since I did not have to pay for the petrol (approximately $60) and certainly did not have to wash the car myself. Moreover, I managed to use the car for 7 days, which reduced my travelling time significantly! I'm quite satisfied with this trade but I have yet to think of what to do with my $60! =)

(No picture because the money was transferred to my bank account!)

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