Monday, November 22, 2010

.:Final Final Trade:.

I posted my item on eBay for $60 and I mentioned that it was cash on delivery, so my buyers would only be limited to Singaporeans.

Surprisingly, after posting my item on eBay, I received a bid on Saturday for $65! I was really excited and I contacted this buyer to arrange for he meet up. I will be meeting her later to sell her the Little Taps!

So from this whole exercise, I made a total of $28 ($60 cash - $32 for the Little Taps) + $65 from this sale = $93!!

That's a really cool profit from what started out to be a paper clip!! Of course during this process, I traded alot of relationship for substance and I really appreciate all the help from all my friends and family who supported me through this activity!!! =))

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