Monday, September 27, 2010

3:: The mystery gift!!

My third trade of the week wasn't even initiated by myself! When I reached home after having dinner with my friend, my niece saw the little pink toy inside my bag. She came up to me excitedly and asked 'Is this for me?' *innocent look*

'Ermm.. No..'

'But, I like!!'*disappointed*

'You have to ask your mummy first, ok?'

Almost immediately, she dashed out to the living room and dragged my sister to my room.
I explained to my sister that my niece wanted the toy, but I couldn't give it to her since it was part of my assignment. She asked, 'So it seems I have to trade something with you for the toy?'


'Ok.. How about this? It's a gift from my student for Teachers' Day (my sister works at a childcare centre). I suppose there are chocolates inside, and I don't like to eat chocolates.'

'Wow, mystery gift!!! Ok, thanks for the trade!!'

Now I have one mystery gift and one happy niece! I realised that often, the value of an item is very subjective. What may seem to be valuable to you may not be of the same value in someone else's perspective - One man's trash is another man's treasure! How true~

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