Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4::Most exciting trade yet

The element of mystery from the previous trade seemed to have upped its value by quite a bit...

My eldest sister was about to travel to Shanghai for a 10-day holiday, so the conversation started, 'Did you know you can't use Facebook in China? Who's gonna look after all your games?"

"Oh no! I forgot about that!!! Can you help me log in everyday? I don't want to lose my bonuses!"

"I might be a little busy.. But what will I get in return?"

"Well.... I'll see what I can get you over there.."


"What else do you want?"

Since I figured my sister didn't have much of a choice, there wasn't any one else who could log into her Restaurant City game. So I took the liberty of asking, " How about if I give you this mystery gift and take care of your Restaurant City, in return for using your car while you are away?"

"Ok ok, I don't need the car anyway. Make sure you drive carefully. Are these chocolates??"

"Thanks, I guess so... hahhaaa"

Now, I've got a car for 10 days in return for my mystery gift and 5 minutes everyday to log into Facebook. I'm pretty sure I can find my next target who will be extremely willing to trade me something so that he can use the car.... heehee